Monday, October 27, 2014


I finished my quilt!!!!!

Now I have to send the front, back and batting to a quilter. 

Yesterday I talked at temple about my project so hopefully more people will donate. I made some posters and will put them up at multiple different fabric stores.  

I'm really glad that my quilt is done because I am really bad at them and it's really frustrating sometimes. 


Tuesday, October 21, 2014

If you have sent me a quilt: I HAVE THANK YOU CARDS I NEED TO SEND THEM

If you haven't sent me a quilt: you should

If you don't know how to make a quilt or need help, these are some sites you can use:

how to make a quilt

quilt patterns



Im going to finish sewing together most of the quilt tonight or tomorrow. Follow me on instagram to get the deets (details).

I hope many people can make a quilt for the children. Think about the children.

I most likely will make another quilt that is just strips of fabric. That will be easier and hopefully take less time.

 I will enjoy seeing all of your beautiful quilts.


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Quilt Updates


All I have to do is sew together a big row and add a back. Then somebody is going to quilt it.

SOOOO my bat mitzvah is less than 4 months away. I most likely will have a deadline of sometime around February 15. If you want to make a quilt, make one quickly and send it.

My little sister and Slater are going to make me quilts, and my mom is making me one. Slater has a post on what materials she's using.

kk idk what to post about now so heres a picture of my dogs

Those are actually a few months old. Oh well.